
2009년 9월 4일 금요일

간도협약 무효결의안 서명에 동참하십시오!

http://www.gando.or.kr/ 클릭하여 오른쪽 메뉴 상단 부분에 서명 있습니다.
(아쉽게도 가입해야만 글쓰기 가능합니다,그래도 관심을!)

댓글 2개:

  1. Hi,
    I am realy concern about Korean history and Gando issue. I feel including Korean government and people are not doing enough. Right now even Japan is join with China together to reinvent ancient history from today and back to 3500 years for their own benefit in the Asia region. Have you read about "Sino-Japanese Relation: Conflict Management and Resolution"? It is pretty scary how they view them selves among the rest of nations in Asia. Not only planning to distort ancient history they also want to remain their power in future - put every nation in Asia under their power is their goal(China probably want this power by themself while Japan wants to ride with China together). Very twisted and even scary how they think of this world or Aisa.

    China has a very good network to distort Korean history but Korea doesn't have a good network to defend China's attack. Under the Northeast Project, their network is well organized: one group dedicate to falsfy Korean history as theirs, other group is worked to attack and present Korea negatively and at the same time presenting Korea as none exist, and other group dedicate to seriously promote on their fabricated history as a real through all level of multi-media. Their books use through many universities.

    Currently, it seems either Korean don't have a network or they are very poorly manageing it. I found several articles and books that are wrongly represent Korean history but I can't even find even single contact to notify on them. In the past, I sent emails to sombody looked like working on Korean history related, but none of Koreans respond back to me. Only one person responded back to me was a foreigner who wrote an article about Korean history issue with China on The Korean Times. Pretty frustrating!!

    Korean needs to involve more actively but without a good network system, it won't work. They really need to work on including people not only who live in Korea but outside of the country as well. Like China, Korean history realated material must also translate to English and other languages and make easier for them to participate.

    If Korea wants to win on this battle, they really need to organize its network more efficiently so that communication would flow easily and promptly and make it easy for people to join in on issue by different language setting (English must because so many people speak the languate). Moreover, like China is promoting fabricated history (also nagative on Korean) to westerners, Korea must letting westerners know on this issue (very important). Korean need multiple strategies to attack them, just like China always talk about negetivities about Korea (word negative is modest - China lie about Koreans); strategy to follow up and correct their lies on history; strategy to promote the right history.

    China and Japan seriously go after territories they are not even theirs. They know those lands are not theirs (they are not confuse) but they go after them anyway because they have nothing to loose. More likely they know with their military, economic, and political power, they can supress other nations. They would push other nations until they get realy tired and untile other nations commpromise such demand. At the end, they would ended up more of stolen land in their side than the beginning of bargin.

  2. I want to give my signuture for the Gando issue but the site made really difficult to do that. Not only you have to have Korean ID but that is all Korean. I think Korean need to work on flexibility so people can join more other from other country on this issue.
